Lawyer Says There Should Be MBA Degree(s) Designed Specifically For Lawyers

Business models are changing so should legal education says lawyer,  Bruce Macmillan

Above the law report

Here’s the introduction…..

Bruce believes his MBA (with CASS Business School) will help turn GCs into “senior business leaders” who will “use what they have learned to run a great legal team,” or even move on to non-legal roles.

 Enjoy our interview below.

Joe Borstein: So Bruce, tell our audience a bit about your legal and business background?

Bruce Macmillan: I trained as an auditor with Arthur Andersen (I left auditing before they did!) before entering law, which I studied at Cambridge. I trained at Gouldens (now Jones Day London) and worked at SJ Berwin Brussels (later to become King Wood Mallesons – another fortunate exit!), before moving in-house in 1998.

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