Header Image: AI generated – I was asking for a Trojan Horse imagined as a Deep Seek Whale but it was too confusing for the generator ( the 4th i tried) this is the best it could offer
Deep Seek has already won a battle in the campaign developing between Beijing & Washington by upending Wall St for a couple of days and it’ll win a few more
US based lawyer, Yee Wah Chin, writes on China Lis Law
It is perhaps unsurprising that a list devoted to law, and populated primarily by legal scholars, should view DeepSeek’s actions from the legal and legal compliance perspective.
Dan’s observations may be a reality check. After all, unlike in the U.S. where lawyers generally swear on their admission to the bar compliance with the Constitution, lawyers in China if I understand correctly swear to obey the Party. And the Anti-Monopoly Law provides explicitly that it will be enforced by the CCP.
From the “non-legal” perspective, it might be observed that it took over $1.5B to acquire the older Nvidia chips that is available to DeepSeek in China, not to mention the new Nvidia chips that might have been smuggled into China. A small company does not have such resources. DeepSeek in reality is likely a state-sponsored effort.
The head of DeepSink apparently had a televised meeting with Xi before the announcement that sank stock markets.
In fact, one might speculate that some folks in China massively shorted NVidia before DeepSeek’s announcement.
Happy Chinese New Year! All the best for the Year of the Snake!
Best regards,YWC
Yee Wah CHIN