Lawyer Charged In Sticker-Plastering Spree

Above The Law Reports

Illinois attorney Robert T. Hanlon got a little too zealous with his sticker game the other day and had to turn himself into the police. He’s charged with “misdemeanor criminal damage to property of less than $500.”

Hanlon supports McHenry County sheriff candidate Robb Tadelman. But Tadelman faces a challenge from Tony Colatorti and that’s where Hanlon allegedly came in.

From the Daily Herald:

News accounts don’t explain what the stickers said, but they don’t sound flattering. [UPDATE: Having seen a shot of the stickers, they say that the candidate is beholden to the union and imply past criminal activity without specificity.]

Hanlon has made headlines before when lawyers accused him of plagiarizing material in a court filing. And plagiarism is bad, but… opposing counsel accused him of basically parroting firm white papers providing overviews of the relevant caselaw, which sounds more like opposing counsel trying to be unnecessarily obstructive rather than any kind of impropriety on Hanlon’s part. If the cited caselaw is still good, it’s still good.

Meanwhile, Colatorti is already citing Hanlon’s criminal charge in his campaign.