Law Society president Adrian Tan dies aged 57

Too young, very sad. Our condolences to family, friends & colleagues


SINGAPORE: Law Society president, Adrian Tan, died on Saturday (Jul 8), after battling cancer for more than a year.

Mr Tan leaves behind his wife. He was 57.

A partner at TSMP Law Corporation, Mr Tan was diagnosed with cancer in March last year and went public a few months later about his condition in a post on the professional networking site LinkedIn.

Announcing his death in a statement on Saturday evening, the Law Society said Mr Tan had “exemplified extraordinary courage” throughout his battle with cancer.

“Despite the immense challenges he faced, he continued to carry out his duties with resolve and cheerfulness, and never failed to grace us with his trademark humour,” it added.

“Today, we not only mourn the loss of a distinguished leader but also grieve for a cherished friend and trusted comrade.”

The Law Society represents lawyers and maintains standards of the profession in Singapore.

In his July 2022 post on LinkedIn, Mr Tan described how he began to feel ill a month before his diagnosis but had brushed it off. It was only when he “felt so bad” that he saw a doctor and was then diagnosed with cancer.

Following his diagnosis, Mr Tan was put on an aggressive treatment regime, which involved chemotherapy, immunotherapy and hormone therapy.

He said there was no question of him stopping work.

“When the clock runs out, and the game ends, I want to feel that, win or lose, I gave my best, and that I am standing on the field with my friends and comrades,” he wrote.