My colleague @lessig “was literally astonished by this exchange with ChatGPT.”
Me too.
ChatGPT was both more forthright and more analytically astute about the tensions (and worse) in Supreme Court campaign finance law than most Justices have been.
— Laurence Tribe ?? ?? (@tribelaw) November 28, 2023
Above The Law..
ChatGPT has notoriously invented law in its desperate effort to satisfy the request of its masters. In this sense, the consumer-facing generative artificial intelligence tool isn’t dissimilar from Clarence Thomas or Sam Alito. Both are just word generators cherry-picking language from curated databases. ChatGPT uses the internet, Alito uses 17th century witchhunters.
Po-ta-to, po-tah-to.
But it’s possible that ChatGPT manages to stay within the guardrails of existing caselaw and reasoned argument better than the Court.
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