As we ring in 2023, the Law Library is excited to welcome researchers back to our webinar series on U.S. legal research. Our first class of the new year will provide an overview of U.S. case law research. The second webinar will be an orientation to the collections of the Law Library, with a focus on its online resources. We are pleased to welcome our friends from the New York State Library as part of our state law libraries outreach project. The purpose of the state law libraries outreach project is to strengthen the ties between the Law Library of Congress and state law libraries by sharing information about our collections, products, and services with one another and with the public. This project involves providing a guest spot for state law librarians to discuss the collections and services they offer during our Orientation to Law Library Collections webinars. Presenting from the New York State Law Library will be Cara Janowsky, an associate librarian in reference services, and Michael Meyer, a senior librarian in reference services. The New York State Library presenters note that:
The Law Collection at the New York State Library consists of over 450,000 titles ranging from rare editions of early New York laws to a collection of federal statutes, reports, and digests. The Library’s collection is especially strong in current and superseded New York state laws and regulations, including both primary and secondary material. We will give an overview of the New York state law materials with a focus on New York state constitutional materials, NYS legislative bills and bill jackets, NYS session laws, NYS consolidated laws, and NYS regulations.
More information about the content of both webinars and registration links can be found below.

Happy new year! Dec. 28, 1910. Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division. //
Orientation to Legal Research: U.S. Case Law
Date: Thursday, January 12, 2023, 1:00 p.m. EST – 2:00 p.m. EST
Content: Provides participants with information about legal sources and research techniques regarding U.S. case law, including information about the U.S. federal court system, the publication of court opinions, methods for researching case law, and information about locating records and briefs.
Instructor: Margaret M. Wood – senior legal reference librarian. Margaret holds a BA in history from Oberlin College and a Master of Science in Library Science from Catholic University.
Register here.
Orientation to Law Library Collections
Date: Tuesday, January 24, 2023, 1:00 p.m. EST – 2:00 p.m. EST
Content: This webinar provides information about the Law Library’s wide range of online resources, as well as our print collections. Some of the resources attendees will learn about include the Law Library’s research guides, digital collections, and the Guide to Law Online, among others. This month’s webinar will also feature a special appearance by the New York State Library as part of our state law libraries outreach project. Presenting from New York will be Cara Janowsky – associate librarian in reference services and Michael Meyer –senior librarian in reference services.
Instructor: Anna Price – legal reference librarian. Anna holds a BS in communications from Ithaca College, a JD from the University of Washington School of Law, and an MLIS from the University of Washington iSchool.
Register here.