A. Administration
1. Attends library board meetings and makes recommendations on
library policy, procedures, and acquisitions.
2. Monitors established policies and guidelines.
3. Assesses future needs and develops long-range plans.
4. Handles correspondence relating to library management with State Law
5. Maintains library records.
6. Serves as secretary to board of trustees.
B. Budget
1. Submits financial reports to the Law Library Board of Trustees.
2. Maintains financial records of the Library Board.
3. Prepare annual budget for the Law Library.
C. Facilities
1. Arranges/rearranges present facilities.
2. Selects library furnishings and equipment.
D. Public Relations and Professional Development
1. Establishes and maintains good working relationships
a. With county personnel
b. With other library users or patrons.
c. With other librarians, libraries, and library networks.
2. Markets library services.
3. Attends and participates in conferences, workshops, seminars, etc. of
relevant professional organizations.
A. Collection Development
1. Evaluates existing collection.
a. Keeps abreast of developments in legal publishing and resources.
2. Assesses information needs of users.
3. Recommends and administers selection policy.
a. Provides access to selection tools.
b. Collects information on materials being considered for purchase.
B. Acquisitions
1. Verification and ordering
a. Corresponds and deals with sales representatives.
b. Checks print resources to avoid
c. Verifies and locates ordering information.
d. Decides on purchasing channels to be followed, e.g., ordering
directly from the publisher, through a sales representative, or other purchasing means.
e. Maintains a list of legal publishers.
f. Processes orders.
g. Originates and follows up on correspondence concerning
h. Renews subscriptions.
2. Processing
a. Receives material ordered, checks for errors and returns errors to
b. Orders replacement copies for missing or defective materials.
c. Maintains order files.
d. Approves invoices for payment.
e. Maintains financial records of acquisitions.
C. Cataloging
1. Planning
a. Plans for development of cataloging systems and procedures.
b. Contracts for services from the State Law library.
2. Cataloging
a. Maintains records of all print resources in library
b. Maintains checkout list to ensure property return of resources.
3. Processing
a. Marks materials with library identification.
b. Checks in each supplement/release/new issue on a library record
file and prepares them for shelving.
c. Routes materials as required.
4. Inventory
a. Prepares inventory of library collection
b. Decides on material to be weeded and/or replaced.
c. Prepares materials for discard, storage, exchange, or sale.
d. Lists materials available for exchange or sale.
e. Maintains inventory of furnishings and equipment.
A. Circulation
1. Recommends circulation policies.
2. Supervises circulation procedures
3. Explains circulation policies and procedures to borrowers.
4. Identifies borrowers.
5. Instructs users in the use of library equipment.
6. Sends overdue notices and follows up on retrieving overdue and missing
B. Publicity and Promotion
1. Orients new users to library services and facilities.
C. Reference and Bibliographic Services
1. Recommends reference service policy
2. Answers reference questions.
3. Assists people in using library materials
4. Administers available computer assisted research services.