Law.Com Article: Legal Exceptionalism in the Digital Age: ‘To Run Fast and Win’

We know a few who are pottering at both the creation end of the equation as well as at the engage with AI. The way things are they’ll just be left on the vine to whither.

Here’s the introduction

A study was recently published on what makes a great lawyer in the age of artificial intelligence. The study suggested that a great lawyer, historically, was someone who had a strong memory, vast experience in a field and a sterling education. The distance runner rather than the sprinter. With the advent of artificial intelligence and digital solutions, the study’s thesis was that attorneys will be able to, now, perform as top-level lawyers without the necessity to harness vast stores of historical information and sterling powers of memorization and training. Essentially, automation and artificial intelligence have the ability to serve as lawyer equalizers.  Today, and certainly in the future, the study posited, attorneys will be able to run fast and win (the case, the client, etc.).

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