Issue 207? 15 October 2010 is due on the news stands tmmrw – here’s the editorial.
Also: nice to see we got a mention by Joe Hodnicki yesterday
Although Lexis would probably like everybody to think that the big news over the past fortnight is their new research product for solo attorneys, the real news in legal research
(in the US anyway) is google?s announcement that free legal info website ? will receive 2 million dollars from the company to help ..
?make all primary legal materials in the United States available for all.? ?
As avvo blog points out it seems aspires to be the more sophisticated, game-changing version of Google Scholar.
Of course no public comment from Lexis or Westlaw. Burying their head in the sand or do they really believe that free legal information isn?t a threat to their core business.
In Asia it?s worth noting that UK company Justis are being proactive in the region having just come to an agreement to host ?the Singapore Law Reports the Singapore Academy of Law Journal and the Singapore Academy of Law Annual Review on its full-text online legal library.
This is the sort of deal we?d have expected Informa Law in Singapore to have snatched. For us it begs the question as to what Informa?s legal publishing plans are for the next year, not only in Asia but in their other markets.
We?ve heard stories of them doubling and tripling the price looseleaf products over the past couple of months. it?s almost as though they are attempting to price themselves out of the market.
Are they stripping back their publishing programme in order to make the legal division a saleable asset ?
Finally you?ve probably noticed that we only reference two articles in our Legal KM section of the newsletter in this issue. It?s the quietest we can ever remember or articles or info about the the world of legal KM
Sean Hocking
Law Librarians News
Legal KM News
Blog Post: Do You Know If You Own What You Know
Workshop: Fundamentals of Knowledge Management
Publishing / Product & Market News
AustLII now hosts the ALTA Law Research Series Database for the Australasian
Law Teachers Association.
Article: Price Tag of New LexisNexis Research Tool for Solos Is $175 a Month
Article: The Sustainable Law Librarian
Blog Article : Hocking Publishes For SLAW
Blog Post: Google Takes Another Swipe at Wexis
Blog Article: West of the future, beyond second thoughts, thunder claps images out loud.
Blog Post: Forthcoming LexisNexis AU enhancements
Blog Post: Legal: Online Databases: “Judiciary Assesses PACER Services”
Press Release: Singapore sling Cocktail of new legal material on Justis full-text online library
Press Release: Austlii Integrates Law Cite Into Search Displays Of Austlii NZLii CommonLII, AsianLII and WorldLII.
Press Release: LexisNexis and Nymity Announce Strategic Alliance
Deputy Blawg
Blog Post: Google’s Project 10^100 Awards LAW.GOV $2 Million to Make Government More Transparent
New Blog: Online Zimmerman Legal Research Guide Gets It’s Own Blog
Press Release: Clio Announces Google Apps Integration and Availability on the Google Apps Marketplace
Oxford Law Online
Freelance Legal Editors/Researchers wanted
The Law Department within the Academic Division of Oxford University Press is seeking legal editors/researchers to work on a freelance basis, populating and validating Oxford Law Citator content as part of the enhancement of the Oxford Law Online portfolio.
Oxford Law Online currently presents three live products in international law (Oxford Reports in International Law, Investment Claims, and The Max Planck Encyclopedia of Public International Law) and multiple services are in the pipeline for development. Each service is supported by the Oxford Law Citator.
The Citator is a relational information hub, recording key metadata and relationships for all published and referenced legal content, allowing users to follow a research trail and explore the relevance of references within and between different types of legal content and commentary.
We are offering a small number of freelance editors the opportunity to join our existing home-based team in the ongoing project to populate the Citator. The work involves use of an online application as a tool, to validate links and record key information about each item, in line with a strict style guide. The work requires broad knowledge of legal content, confidence in using technology, and an ordered, meticulous mindset.
Payment is by piece. Full training and style guidance documentation will be provided.
If you are interested in finding out more about the work, please contact Rachel Norman ( <> ) with your cv.
Article SLAW: Finding Hidden Treasure
Blog Post: Thoughts on Dropping Martindale-Hubbell Contracts
Blog Post: Disdain for Westlaw and Lexis Nexis
Survey Result: User Survey Results for PACER’s Electronic Court Records Service in the US
Tweets & Twits
Law Librarians, Legal KM & Legal Publishing Jobs Board
Experienced Knowledge Consultant Mallesons Stephen Jaques
Foreign & International Law Librarian
Vacancy – Knowledge Advisor (fixed term) Department of ?Labour
KM Manager Bristol Law Firm
Legal Librarian – University
Operations Manager ? Law Firm
Editorial Associate (Part Time – 6 Month Contract)
Job vacancy – Knowledge Manager – Veale Wasbrough Vizards, Bristol
Information Services & Training Team Lead
Research Analyst – Business / Legal
Legal Librarian / Researcher – 6 month contract
Information ResourcesExecutive – Maternity cover
Professional Support Lawyer
Law Librarian Huddleston Bolen ?Huntington, WV
Law Librarian 1-Reference University of Detroit Mercy Detroit, MI
Marketing KM Coordinator Stroock & Stroock & Lavan LLP? NYC
Law Librarian Agency Legal Staffing Los Angeles, CA
Senior Law Librarian Boston, MA
Reference Law Librarian Wood Smith Henning & Berman Los Angeles, CA
Law Librarian
Legal Librarian Eagan, MN Large Data Publishing Company
Law Librarian- Run this DC Firm’s Law Library! Trak Legal ServicesWashington, DC
New Products & Publications
Lexis Nexis
Conferences and Events
Marketing Gold
SLA Europe
2010-2011 Law Librarians Associations Conference Dateline
Legal Technology Insider News
October issue of American Legal Technology Insider newsletter out now
Shakespeare Putsman say what they want from a legal IT vendor
Guest article: is the CIO a technology or a business leader ?
Charon QC