Kluwer’s New Law & Business WikiWatch Blog

Great idea from Kluwer…

Here’s the? blurb….


In the global instant-information culture, clients often want fast answers to news that potentially threatens their organizations?even if the accuracy of details and validity of information sources are in question. Now, decision makers can quickly turn to the new WikiWatch blog from Wolters Kluwer Law & Business to gain analysis of the potential legal and business consequences tied to the release of proprietary documents. Wolters Kluwer Law & Business is a provider of information and software solutions in key specialty areas for legal, risk, compliance, and business professionals.
The headline-generating, independent organization, WikiLeaks, continues to challenge businesses, entire industries, and government agencies by disclosing secret internal documents. When new information becomes public through WikiLeaks, WikiWatch offers credible perspectives from experienced professionals providing insights to implications these releases may have on businesses and future legislative developments. WikiWatch and WikiLeaks are separate, unrelated entities.

WikiWatch will be an interactive forum for analysis and commentary that promotes discussions of information technology, computer law, data privacy, intellectual property, e-commerce and litigation issues relating to information law. It will especially add value for internet protocol, antitrust, securities, banking, and compliance professionals. The blog monitors the latest disclosures from WikiLeaks with an RSS feed right on the home page, distributes blog posts from internationally recognized legal, business, and academic professionals and encourages interactive feedback by inviting readers to post comments and opinions of blog posts.