Legal Cheek reports…..
Alternative arrangement sees undergrads take their assessments off-campus within a specified timeframe
King’s College London law students will sit “take home” exams this spring in response to the coronavirus outbreak, the university’s Dickson Poon School of Law announced yesterday.
The move follows a university-wide email informing King’s students it “will not hold conventional unseen exams” for the main examination period between April and May 2020.
In the email, published by The Tab, King’s senior vice president described the coronavirus pandemic as an “extraordinary situation” and one “we need to provide additional flexibility”. The email stated that “alternative assessment formats and modes will be utilised”, and that students should await confirmation from their department regarding alternative arrangements.
Shortly afterwards King’s law students were reportedly informed by email that they will be sitting “take home” exams.
Professor Gillian Douglas, executive dean of the Dickson Poon School of Law, explained:
“[T]he School has decided that our adjustment will be that modules that would have had exams taken on campus will instead be assessed via take home examinations. The format of the take-home papers will be based on those that have already been set for the May period.”
The email continued: “Where there are any accommodations to be made to the existing format, to reflect the fact that the examination is not being taken in the planned examination-hall conditions, these will be agreed and communicated to you before the end of term.”
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