Kim Finds Studying Law Tedious

After all the hoopla she’s now going cold on a legal career! 

Above The Law

For several years now, Above the Law has been tracking Kim Kardashian’s journey to becoming a lawyer through an apprenticeship. Since 2019, the reality TV star turned entrepreneur and actress has offered us glimpses into her life as a law student through her social media feeds, and with each study session, current law students and practicing lawyers couldn’t help but grow a little closer to her.

Perhaps the thing that humanized Kardashian the most to members of the legal profession was her repeated failures on the baby bar exam. Kardashian failed the test three times before she finally succeeded, offering her fans a bird’s-eye view of her inspirational triumph.

Kardashian once documented her legal studies quite diligently online, but as of late, her law-related updates have come to a complete halt. Has the law school hustle proven to be too much for the would-be attorney?

According to an unnamed source who spoke to the U.S. Sun, Kardashian is reportedly putting her plans “on pause.” It seems that continuing forward with her legal studies amid her business and family commitments would be “a pain for [her] right now.” Here are some additional details:

“Last year she slowly realized how tedious it was and how never-ending the study was,” the insider shared.

“She can’t drop it without looking bad, looking like she couldn’t pass it after all the work and all of her talk about how passionate she was about pushing for prison reform.” …

“She really struggled with the study, hated having to do the outlines and essays required to even be at a competent level and it was going to take her a few years of study to pass the exams and a few likely fails,” the same source claimed.

“She did some midterm exams last year and they finished her off.”

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