Key Media Present Conference On Restructuring Law Asia ?09

It’s being held in Singapore next Wednesday…

They write in the brochure….

The current financial crisis has placed greater emphasis on the adequacy of insolvency procedures and mechanisms in Asia.

This intensive one-day ALB Masterclass is designed to cover the latest insolvency updates in the region and provide an in-depth discussion on current cross-border insolvency issues.

A line-up of expert speakers will examine recent Asian insolvency law developments and discuss the impact the financial crisis is having on insolvency & restructuring in 2009.

• Latest developments in Cross Border Insolvency
• Changes brought about by Singapore’s Debt Repayment Scheme and the Corporate Rescue Provision in the Companies Act
• International & transnational procedures and their efficiency
• Strategies to maximise the potential of recovery in view of the global financial crisis
• Lessons from recent financial institution failures
• Inconsistencies in insolvency laws, legal processes and transparency across Asia
• The expected impact of Hong Kong’s Company Law reform on Insolvency procedures
• Latest cases under China’s Bankruptcy Law

Who should attend: Corporate Restructuring / Insolvency Practitioners and Lawyers, In-house Counsel, Corporate & Commercial Lawyers, Credit Managers, Senior Corporate Management, Chief Financial Officers

More info at