Kevin O’Keefe Argues In His Regular Above The Law Op-Ed That WordPress Is The Pest Publishing Tool For Law School Reviews

Remember all, he does have a vested interest in saying this as he runs a company encouraging law firms to blog and generally using WordPress as their supporting publishing tool

We don’t completely disagree being fans of WP ourselves but it would be somewhat sad not to smell paper when reading a law review


Here’s what he says

With the advent of the Internet, and with it the expansion of open publishing, it’s not reasonable to expect law reviews to continue in their current form.

Law professors looking to publish should be provided their own “printing press” operated and supported by the law school. With WordPress the de facto content management system of record for digital publishing, WordPress should serve as the law school’s printing press.

Law reviews have been published in the states for almost 200 years, with the first being the University of Pennsylvania Law Review in 1852. Today, we have law reviews published by most every major law school, covering either general topics with the law review in the law school’s name or a particular area of the law, such as environmental law.

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