Kenya: City lawyer stabbed to death in Ongata Rongai attack

IAPL reports

Police are investigating the stabbing to death of a Nairobi-based lawyer Boaz Nyakeri.

Nyakeri was stabbed by an assailant as he walked home in the Ongata Rongai area, Kajiado County.

The Law Society of Kenya (LSK) has called on authorities to get the man who killed  him on Saturday morning.

Nyakeri was stabbed in the neck near Masaai Lodge in the outskirts of Ongata Rongai.

His cousin who was with him at the time of the attack was also stabbed and injured in the arm as he tried to save the deceased young advocate of the high court.

The motive of the attack is yet to be known, police and the family said.

Police said preliminary findings show Nyakeri and his cousin had been at a party near Osoita Lodge and were walking home at about 5 am Saturday when a man attacked them.

The two had spotted the man trail them for a short distance and before they could decide to either confront him or run for safety he landed on Nyakeri with a deep stab in the neck.