Justis (UK) Enters Distribution Deal With Nigerian Publishers

Charles Christian’s Orange Rag has reported that Justis (UK) have…

 entered into a partnership with Abuja-based Niche Konsult Ltd, who will distribute the Justis electronic law library and the JustCite citator to customers in Nigeria at extremely competitive prices.

The rest of the report goes on to say

The Justis library offers internet access to intuitively searchable, full-text case law and legislation from the UK, Ireland, Europe and the International Law courts. Dating back to 1163, its expanding collection of series currently includes the Law Reports, Weekly Law Reports, English Reports, State Trials, Scottish Session Cases, Irish Reports and many specialist case law reports; while its sister database JustCite is the world’s only provider-neutral citator, providing links, cross-references, editorial and citatory information to numerous publishers’ cases, legislation and articles. Extensive and growing, its coverage so far comprises all of the above jurisdictions, alongside Canada, Australia and Singapore.

Given the relative under funding of Nigeria’s libraries and the cost of weekly law reports in print, this move represents a significant improvement in access to legal research material for law schools, universities, government departments, the judiciary, law firms and chambers in the country. With a new service at a fraction of the price of the hard-copy equivalents, backed up by local customer support, Niche Konsult is exposing Nigeria to a wealth of information on highly persuasive precedent, which, in the case of UK law, is binding up to 1960.

Simon Watson, Justis Publishing’s international sales manager, said “This is a terrific opportunity for Nigeria. Without it, Nigerian lawyers and librarians would have electronic access to little more than decisions from their own Supreme Court. But that’s only just come online; now Niche Konsult can offer instant, extended internet access to other cases going back hundreds of years.”

