Julian Assange’s lawyer Jennifer Robinson says ’emerging bipartisan view’ could aid the WikiLeaks founder’s release case

ABC news Australia

Julian Assange’s lawyer says US President Joe Biden could now drop the extradition case against the WikiLeaks founder without “political blowback” after an apparent show of support by political rival Donald Trump.

London-based human rights lawyer and Mr Assange’s legal adviser Jennifer Robinson told ABC’s Q+A program on Monday night she didn’t want to wait for the US election to see the case dropped.

“This is the time,” she said on Monday night.

Ms Robinson has been a long-time advocate for Mr Assange, who is now appealing against his extradition from Britain to the US to face 18 criminal charges of obtaining, receiving and disclosing classified information.

Mr Assange has spent five years in London’s Belmarsh prison since his 2019 arrest for breaching bail conditions.

Prior to that, he spent almost seven years in prison for taking asylum in the Ecuadorian embassy.

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