Judicata Publish Article On AI & The Law Via Their Blog, “The Road To Intelligent Legal Software”

If you’re looking for a good article on the current state of play in AI and the law – this is a good read

Here’s the introduction.

Artificial Intelligence is increasingly the talk of the town in legal tech circles. From the International Legal Technology Association Conference in Las Vegas, Nevada, to the American Association of Law Libraries Conference in Austin, Texas, AI has been at the center of more than a dozen presentations and panels in recent months.

Yet for all the discussion of impending disruption caused by AI?—?in both law and in the broader world beyond?—?relatively little has been said about how artificial intelligence technologies work, what they are good (or bad) at, and what that may mean for high-stakes fields like law.

Artificial Intelligence?—?“the capability of a machine to imitate intelligent human behavior,” as Merriam Webster defines it?—?has witnessed incredible growth and progress in the last several years. At its core are advances in Machine Learning, algorithms that learn from processing enormous amounts of data to extract common patterns. In recent years, a technique called Deep Learning has catalyzed major breakthroughs in diverse fields like computer vision, speech recognition, language translation, and game play (in particular, Go).

The progress of these algorithms is real and impressive, and advances are being made daily. But while the media attention has been positive (and generally justifiably so), it often has spurred misinformation and hype that far outpaces what is actually happening on the ground.

How Much Is Ten Minus Two?

In 2015, Google published a research paper titled A Neural Conversational Model. They had built software (known as a “chatbot”) that was trained on old movie scripts to emulate human dialogue. The paper included a long back-and-forth transcript where a person asked a question, and the software returned an answer. Selections from the exchange included:

Read on at  https://blog.judicata.com/the-road-to-intelligent-legal-software-203174f4ec