JD Supra Press Release: What you need to know about Hong Kong Competition Law (Part 3) – The Second Conduct Rule

What you need to know about Hong Kong Competition Law (Part 3) – The Second Conduct Rule



The implementation of the new Competition Ordinance (Chapter 619 of the Laws of Hong Kong) (the Competition Ordinance) on 14 December 2015 will mark the first time that Hong Kong has a general and cross-sector competition law.


The Competition Ordinance was enacted on 14 June 2012 as a general and cross-sector competition law to curb anti-competitive conduct, and will come into full effect on 14 December 2015.

Three major forms of anti-competitive conduct are prohibited under the First Conduct Rule, the Second Conduct Rule (collectively referred to as the Conduct Rules) and the Merger Rule. In this issue, we will discuss the Second Conduct Rule.

What is the Second Conduct Rule?

The Second Conduct Rule[1] prohibits an undertaking that has a substantial degree of market power from abusing that power by engaging in conduct that has as its object or effect the prevention, restriction or distortion of competition in Hong Kong. This rule applies to unilateral conduct by an undertaking, regardless of whether the undertaking itself is, or the abusive conduct takes place, inside or outside of Hong Kong. Abusive conduct which takes the form of an agreement may also contravene the First Conduct Rule.

A flowchart illustrating how the Second Conduct Rule works is set out in the Appendix. — see full story by linking above