Issue 210 of Law Librarians News Published

All the usual gumph .. Lexis, TR West, Legal KM Jobs and other things..


In our last issue it was KM KM KM and hardly a jot of legal publishing news. Two weeks later the tables have been turned.

Where do we start?

Lexis as always.

You?ll all be aware by now that Andy Prozes has resigned, retired, moved on (it?s all semantics) He?ll be gone by the end of the year and the Lexis Nexis business has been split down the line.

Jim Peck will become CEO of risk solutions and Mike Walsh takes over ?as CEO of the global legal business.

Nothing unusual there. All makes perfect sense especially when tied in with the news that W. Kluwer has just purchased Lexis Nexis German legal publishing operation. ?A couple of commentators have suggested that the Lexis German sale isn?t particularly important in the scale of things.

Here at LLN we tend to disagree we see it as a test run for Lexis to learn the most efficient way to split up and sell off their legal publishing operations around the world bit by bit.

Will Mike Walsh be the last of the Romanovs presiding over an ever diminishing power base. It?ll be interesting to see the path Lexis Legal publishing treads over the next 12-18 months

Over at Thompson Legal it?s not all smooth sailing. Another 60 editorial and related jobs have gone in Eagan in a pre Christmas purge. We wonder if there?ll be more jobs gone in other jurisdictions by years? end.

Legal KM News
Article: The Changing Face of Legal Process Outsourcing
Article Refrerence: Legal Knowledge as an Intellectual Property Management Resource

Publishing / Product & Market News

Andy Prozes To Retire From Lexis: Mike Walsh To Replace Him And Company To Be Divvied Up
Article: Wolters Kluwer buys Lexis Nexis Germany from Reed
Also See: Wolters Kluwer Germany Holding GmbH Acquires LexisNexis Deutschland
Article: TR Adjusts To New Normal
Article: The law firm of the future: Thomson Reuters
Article: Thomson Reuters cutting 60 jobs in Eagan
As Westlaw Axes More Library Relations Managers ? Where’s the “Value” In “Library Relations”?
Article: Thomson Reuters enters legal processing outsourcing market with Pangea3 takeover
Press Release: Geminare Selected by LexisNexis Canada to Deliver Managed Cloud Services Geminare’s Recovery as a Service Portfolio Gains Significant Traction With the Launch of LexisNexis Canada’s Managed Technology Solutions
Press Release: Institute of Advanced Legal Studies On A Project To Upgrade Eagle Service

Deputy Blawg
Article: Facebook Creates New Mess for EDD: Messages – Add to Social Media Policy
Article / SLAW: Macs in Law Offices: A Rising Trend?
New Blog: Technologies Group Blog At University of Birmingham UK
Press Release: Goodwin Procter Launches Founder’s Workbench
Press Release: Internet Marketing Company Launches New Website Dedicated to SEO for Lawyers
Press Release: Crowell & Moring Launches New Legal Blog For Retailers
After The Event Insurance Provider Box Legal Limited Launches Online Blog

Article: Does It Pay to Hire a Law Firm Librarian?
Article: ?SLAW : Debates on the Value of Law Firm Librarians
Article: What Drives Me Crazy About Dealing with Vendors: The Straitjacket Corporate Policy Makers Force Reps to Wear
Article: Legal outsourcers on top of their case
Also see ? Junior Lawyers To Benefit From Outsourcing says partner
Article: Goodbye SEO! Hello SMO?
Article/ SLAW : Thoughts on the E-Book Revolution and Access to Legal Information
Blog Post: Brooklyn Dean ‘Mortified’ Over Steamy Lingerie Photo Shoot in Law Library
Review/ Lecture: Harvard Lecture on Path to Legal Information

Law Librarians, Legal KM & Legal Publishing Jobs Board
Article: Job Opportunities

Paralegal Knowhow Assistant
Territory Manager, Corporate and Legal
Senior Information Officer
Account Executive Sales Manager
Information Officer
Assistant Dean of the University Library University of the Pacific Stockton, CA
Librarian Varnum Law Grand Rapids, MI
Electronic Resources and Technology Librarian Vermont Law School
Reference and Training Librarian Crowell & Moring Washington, DC
AALL – Reference and Electronic Services Librarian : Texas Tech University School of Law Library Lubbock, TX
Public Relations Manager ? LexisNexis ? New York, NY
Future Opening for Library Director at a Law School: JD/MLS needs not apply?
Product Marketing Manager – Westlaw IP Job
SLA ? Librarian Varnum Grand Rapids, MI
SLA – Technical Services LibrarianMoore & Van Allen Pllc Charlotte, NC

New Products & Publications
Lexis Nexis

Conferences and Events
2011 ? 2012 ?Law Librarians Associations Conference Dateline

Legal Technology Insider News
Guest article: Cloud computing in the legal industry
Thomson Reuters buys major LPO player – the new normal
APAC news: Workshare expands into Asia Pacific region


Charon QC
Legal Education Review: Where does the knowledge come from?
UK lawyers start to take TV advertising seriously
Professor Stephen Mayson of The Legal Services Institute (Funded by The College of Law) has a very detailed paper
Twitter joke trial: Paul Chambers to take appeal to high court
Author of Legal Futures ?, Neil Rose, is on a roll with some excellent articles recently in The Guardian and on his blog.
Woman jailed for falsely retracting rape claim is freed
Law Review: Legal Regulator in CUT student debt by CUTTING study shock!