Ireland – Industry Analysis: ‘Unclear’ gambling laws could flood courts with legal challenges

Industry analysts identify ‘serious drafting issues’ in long awaited Gambling Regulation Bill 2022

The Irish Times Reports

Legislation designed to regulate the gambling industry could inadvertently “flood” the courts with legal challenges and drive users to black market alternatives, industry analysis has warned.

The Gambling Regulation Bill 2022 covers online and in-person activity and includes powers to control advertising, gambling websites and apps. Some amendments to the Bill are expected next week as it moves to committee stage on Tuesday, bringing it one step closer to becoming law.

However, detailed analysis of the proposed legislation by Regulus Partners, a UK-based global advisory firm focusing on sport and leisure sectors, has identified a number of “serious drafting issues” that it believes could precipitate the kind of litigation experienced in other European countries with similar regulation.

“Without clear wording at the legislative level, key policies which should in theory be delivered by lawmakers are more likely to be shaped by the outcome of legal challenges,” the firm recently reported to its clients.

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