IAPL is reporting
#NasrinSotoudeh has reportedly been arrested at #ArmitaGravand funeral. Also 8 other women who were holding pictures of #MahsaAmini have been arrested. And one teacher. They said they didn’t kill Armita! Why so many arrests then? Why so many restrictions for her funeral? https://t.co/TYCtEVZtWR
— Dorreh Khatibi-Hill (@dorikh) October 29, 2023
Urgent – Fars News, un média affilié au régime islamique et au CGRI, confirme l'arrestation de #NasrinSotoudeh pour "non respect du voile obligatoire" et "activité contre la sécurité psychologique de la société". https://t.co/7JaJydtsIR pic.twitter.com/oYsjN9mgLU
— lettres de Teheran (@LettresTeheran) October 29, 2023
See more social media reports at
Iran: Rights lawyer Nasrin Sotoudeh severely beaten and arrested at Armita Gravand funeral