International Law Firms See Boom in China Employment Practices

This is an interesting article in the Recorder (  ..employment practice / practitioners on the rise in China..

Amanda Royal writes for The Recorder

Think of a place where employees are fired without an ounce of risk to the company. A place where a boss who is looking to cut costs can just skip that Social Security tax payment. A place where women who are sexually harassed have no recourse.

That’s the China K. Lesli Ligorner landed in when she launched Paul, Hastings, Janofsky & Walker’s employment practice there in May 2006.

Only three years later, things are much different. In 2008, China implemented a trio of laws that guarantee and reiterate rights for employees to have long-term contracts and safe workplaces, to be free of discrimination and to be able to fight back if they are wronged.

Full article