International Day of the Endangered Lawyer 2024: Global Momentum of Solidarity for Iranian Lawyers

Nasrin Sotoudeh, Amirsalar Davoudi, Khosrow Alikordi, Mohammad Najafi, Saleh Nikbakht: their names resonate as symbols of a relentless struggle against oppression and the violation of fundamental rights in Iran. These lawyers, known for their tireless defence of human rights, face immense risks in their fight for justice.

On 24 January, the International Day for Lawyers in Danger was marked by an unprecedented international mobilisation, dedicated this year to the alarming situation of lawyers in Iran. Bars from all over the world, from France to Italy, from the United States to the farthest reaches of Asia, joined forces in round tables, conferences and demonstrations to highlight the threats faced by Iranian lawyers in the exercise of their profession.

A remarkable show of solidarity took place within the international legal community on this day. “We are all united in this fight for justice,” declared a lawyer present at the rally in Paris in front of the embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran, embodying the spirit of the day.

Blatantly denying the fundamental principles of justice, the government of the Islamic Republic shows no hesitation in trampling on the rights of the defence. In addition to appointing lawyers linked to the authorities to political prisoners, human rights lawyers are regularly obstructed in their work.

Iranian lawyers have faced considerable challenges in guaranteeing the right to a fair trial and the rights of the defence. In some cases, they have been arbitrarily arrested, imprisoned and sometimes tortured.

The international legal community showed its determination to support Iranian lawyers in their fight for justice and equality. Beyond the International Day for Lawyers in Danger, this solidarity will continue to take part in concrete actions aimed at ensuring respect for the fundamental rights of lawyers throughout the world.

The International Observatory for Lawyers in Danger would like to thank its members for their unwavering commitment and their essential contributions to this significant day. United, we continue to fight for justice.

Join us in supporting this essential cause.

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International Day of the Endangered Lawyer 2024: Global Momentum of Solidarity for Iranian Lawyers