Institute of Advanced Legal Studies Survey Legal Researchers

This may be of interest to any of our readers who may be academic legal researchers…

The Institute of Advanced Legal Studies Library is conducting a survey of academic researchers to elicit their views on:

–        keeping up to date on legal information and legal research
–        access to a range of research material
–        using resource discovery tools
–        using the IALS website

The survey has 11 questions and takes between five and ten minutes to complete.  We would welcome the views of anybody in the academic sector who is involved in the law research process: post-graduate students, research supervisors, teachers, librarians, administrators, and post-doctoral researchers.  We welcome responses from people who have used IALS before, or who have never used IALS or are not aware of IALS.  Feedback will help us to provide better services for researchers.
You can complete the survey form online at and you can also find a link to the form on the IALS home page 


They also ask:


Please include your e-mail address in your return, if you want to be included in the prize draw for £50 in book tokens.  If you prefer to complete the survey anonymously, you can download a Word version and either send it by post or as an e-mail attachment.  All responses will be treated in the strictest of confidence and anonymity of respondents preserved in the survey findings.  We will publish and publicise a short report on the survey findings in January 2009. 
The closing date for completed returns is Friday 5 December 2008.  If it is convenient for you, please forward on this message to research students and law school colleagues at your university, we would like to hear from them.  Thanks very much for your help!
Best wishes,
Gerard Power
Access Librarian
Institute of Advanced Legal Studies
University of London
17 Russell Square
020 7862 5821