We couldn’t help chuckle over this post by a UK law librarian to the UK Law Lis. The tone reminds me somewhat of my grandmother talking to me aged 8, infuriating her yet again with my bad table manners ….
The librarian writes
We’ve had the same problem. In fact I’ve just had the third call in 2 months from Informa asking the same question as to why we have cancelled a particular subscription, and asking whether we are intending to continue with our other Informa subscriptions….and we don’t even deal with Informa direct…we deal through a subscription agent!!
I find Informa a very irritating company indeed!
That’s the third negative comment we’ve seen about informa this week and it appears that the company are having a very bad time with renewals, as evidenced by the fact that they are? chasing? subscription agent customers with direct calls as well as taking the knife to their print subs.
Any legal publisher that tells you they aren’t having a hard time in 2010 is simply lying through clenched teeth.
Sovereign debt crises? spreading throughout Europe like bird flu isn’t going to help either. Biig law firm clients have already slashed? info/content budgets.. imagine if those safe year in year out renewals from the courts, universities, govt agencies etc start getting looked at in greater depth and wastage is cut .
Then the publishers? really will be howling at the moon