Indian Chief Justice Says Indian Bar Council Will Soon Have To Acquiesce To Foreign Law Firms

Headlines has reported that the Chief Justice of India K G Balakrishnan ..

Has said during the delivery of a keynote speech on Judicial Reforms In India at the Indo-EU Business Forum that


Foreign law firms may soon operate from India and the Bar Council will not be able to resist their entry,


K G Balakrishnan said in his speech


"I do not think the Bar Council of India can continue to resist (the proposal to allow foreign law firms to operate in India)…I cannot give you a time-frame but this (the proposal) is being handled at the senior level and it will be done," the CJI said.


Full report:


It does seem to AALE that the Bar Council for the first time may be on the back foot. But as we know from 18 months of reporting on this issue .. it certainly isn’t over until the fat lady sings.


Also reported on the India Today website and The Times Of India