India: Leopard with blood around its mouth mauls lawyers in courthouse attack

Only in India .. rarely do we refer to a story in Murdoch rag the Sun, but this one is too good to pass up..obviously you’ll have to put up with the Sun’s usual sensationalist spin..they do tend to get very excited with their adjectives.


THIS is the moment a bloodthirsty leopard snarls after breaking into a court and mauling several lawyers.

Victims had to be rushed to hospital after the spotted beast terrorised the site in India for four hours before it was eventually caught.

Shocking footage shows the leopard with blood around its mouth as it bares its teeth.

Several men can also be seen fleeing the scene while dripping with blood after being savaged by the wild animal.

Horrified witnesses said the leopard appeared out of nowhere and started prowling around the first floor of the Ghaziabad District court premises in Utter Pradesh on Wednesday

Around 15 lawyers were working in the courthouse at the time.

Frightened workers scrambled for cover while lawyers barricaded themselves into offices to keep safe from the roaming vicious predator.

It is understood the beast attacked a police officer and at least four lawyers.

One lawyer was pounced on by the leopard while trying to fend it off with a shovel and a stick.

Meanwhile, a boot polisher shining shoes on the court premises was also savaged and had to be taken to hospital with serious injuries, according to local media.

See all the gory photos at