IFLA: Library Map of the World 2017 Survey.

They write…

It is with great pleasure that I inform you about the launch of the Library Map of the World 2017 Survey.

As promised at IFLA WLIC 2016 in Columbus, IFLA has started to create the Library Map of the World – a reliable and representative source of basic library statistics and a powerful advocacy tool on a national, regional and global level for all of us to use.

 Every one of us performing advocacy activities knows that the basis of successful advocacy is accurate and comprehensive information. IFLA recognizes that libraries are leading promoters and providers of free access to any kind of information to all citizens. However, advocacy efforts at the global, regional and national level are severely hindered by the fact that IFLA and many national associations do not have basic information about the state of libraries in their countries. Reliable global library data is our shared vision.

 Therefore, IFLA has reached out to selected data partners (national associations, national libraries or other institutions) all over the world with an invitation to participate in the Library Map of the World 2017 Survey. During the following months IFLA will work closely with data contributors to gather existing data from as many countries as possible. Survey results in the form of a visualisation of data via an online website will be displayed during the launch of the Library Map of the World at IFLA WLIC 2017 in Wroclaw, Poland in August this year.

 I invite you to visit the Library Map of the World website at librarymap.ifla.org to learn more and to stay up to date with the latest news and developments of the Library Map of the World.

Please do not hesitate to reach out to the Library Map of the World team at [email protected] with any questions relating to the Library Map of the World or 2017 Survey.