If I Was Injured on Vacation Can I Hire a Local Island Lawyer?


The last thing you want to worry about while vacationing in Hawaii is a serious injury. Sadly, things rarely go according to plan and, even on holiday, accidents can and do happen.  

Being injured because of the careless or reckless actions of another person can be a frightening experience, especially when you are far from home. Finding out if you are entitled to financial compensation can be a great first step in healing. 

Schedule a free consultation with a Honolulu personal injury lawyer to find out if you have a valid case.

Vacation Injury Lawyers

Incredible volcanoes, picturesque mountainscapes, and golden sunlit beaches make Hawaii a popular destination for tourists from all parts of the world. Each year, several thousand vacationers from near and far come to Hawaii to enjoy everything the islands have to offer. While traveling, adventure-seekers often participate in exciting outdoor activities like hiking, snorkeling, scuba diving, skydiving, surfing, zip-lining, biking, jet skiing, boat tours, and fishing tours. Regrettably, some vacationers wind up badly injured due to the negligent actions of others.  

When an accident occurs in Hawaii, the corresponding personal injury lawsuit must also be filed and litigated in Hawaii. This is true even if the injured victim is not a state resident. In addition to a local attorney being familiar with state laws, any vital evidence, such as the accident scene, eyewitnesses, and responding law enforcement agencies, are all located locally. 

Leading Causes of Tourist Injuries in Hawaii

There is no shortage of recreational activities to enjoy while you are in Hawaii, which unfortunately means there is no shortage of ways to be injured. The type of personal injury lawsuit you are eligible to file for will depend on where and how your accident occurred. Some of the most common accidents involving injuries to vacationers are:

Snorkeling and Diving Accidents

When people go snorkeling or diving, maritime law comes into place. Divers and snorkelers are required to stay within 90 meters (300 feet) of their boat to avoid an accident. Divers and snorkelers can be seriously injured by passing boats or by defective or improperly maintained diving and snorkeling equipment.

Boat Accidents

Since so many people enjoy being out on the water when they visit the islands, boat accidents are also quite common. These accidents usually take place during activities that involve scuba diving, boat tours, and whale watching. Boat accident injuries can be the result of negligent boat operations, such as inclement weather, speeding, mechanical defects, and failing to abide by safety protocols. Liability in these situations will depend on the cause of the accident. For instance, an accident caused by a mechanical failure could place liability on the craft’s manufacturer.  

Zipline Accidents

For guests who want to admire the island’s natural beauty from a bird’s eye view, ziplining is the activity of choice. However, failure to take safety precautions can cause catastrophic injuries. Since zipliners are strapped into a harness that is attached to a cable, accidents can be the result of improper construction, a cable collapse, a lack of a functioning brake system, improper operator training, and more. If you were harmed in a zipline accident, a Honolulu personal injury lawyer can evaluate your case and determine if the zipline company is liable based on the laws of negligence.

What to Do if You Are Injured on Vacation  

The first thing you should do following any serious accident is notify local law enforcement. Once that is done, you need to:

  • Take videos or photos of your physical injuries, the accident scene, and anything else that may have played a role in the incident.
  • Seek immediate medical care.
  • Keep copies of your medical records, police reports, bills, invoices, and other paperwork relating to your accident.  
  • Do not post about your accident on social media.
  • Say as little as possible to the insurance adjuster.  
  • Hire a Honolulu personal injury lawyer.

Financial Compensation for Your Hawaii Vacation Injuries

Depending on the severity of your injuries and what kind of accident you were involved in, you could have a few different paths toward recovering compensation for your Hawaii vacation injury. You might be able to use your health insurance, car insurance, or another insurance policy to cover your damages in the interim, and then file a personal injury lawsuit or an insurance claim against the party whose negligence led to your injuries. A skilled lawyer can provide you with details concerning each option. 

When Someone Else Caused Your Vacation Injury

If someone else’s negligence caused your vacation injury, they might be responsible for your medical expenses, lost income, and other damages. Potentially liable parties in a vacation injury case could include:

  • Hotel and Resort owners and employees
  • Business and property owners 
  • Equipment rental companies or companies that offer recreational activities 
  • Negligent motorists
  • State or local government entities
  • Construction companies
  • Product manufacturers

A Honolulu personal injury lawyer can examine your case and accurately determine who could be liable for your damages.

How to Prevent Vacation Accidents

Although it isn’t possible to quash the chances of being injured in a vacation accident, you can greatly lower your risk by taking proactive safety measures, such as:

  • Never drink and drive.
  • Pay attention while driving. As tempting as it is to glance out the window to enjoy a scenic ocean view, it could cause a tragic car accident.
  • Pay attention to bicyclists and pedestrians, particularly in crowded areas.
  • Never run on a pool deck.
  • Wear sensible shoes to lessen your chances of a slip-and-fall accident.
  • Never rent equipment that you don’t know how to use.
  • Before you participate in recreational activities that could be dangerous, such as parasailing, scuba diving, horseback riding, or boating, make sure that the business is licensed. 
  • Heed all warning signs.
  • Always check the weather forecast before engaging in any outdoor activities.

After being seriously injured in an accident while you were on vacation, you deserve to recover in peace. A Honolulu vacation accident lawyer can help prove liability and make sure you receive the settlement you deserve for your damages.