IBA Judges’ Forum issues statement in support of Afghanistan’s Judges

The IBA’s statement says

The International Bar Association (IBA) Judges’ Forum strongly endorses the grave concerns expressed by the IBA, the International Bar Association’s Human Rights Institute, and numerous other international judicial associations about the situation presently unfolding in Afghanistan.

The Judges’ Forum holds particular concerns for the personal safety and professional wellbeing of Afghan judges, especially the 250 women judges in that jurisdiction.

A strong and independent judiciary is essential to maintenance of the rule of law. Judicial officers, regardless of their gender, race, or religious affiliation, must be protected so as to enable them to serve their countries and communities by administering justice according to law.

The Judges’ Forum deplores any retaliation against our judicial colleagues and calls for the international community to unite in assuring protection for all judicial officers in Afghanistan, particularly the women judges who have expressed real and genuine fears in the current circumstances.