IAPL: Romania: “A day without lawyers, a day when justice doesn’t exist” Lawyers demonstrate Wednesday

Baroul Bucure?ti recomand? avoca?ilor s?-?i întrerup? activitatea miercuri, timp de 24 de ore, un demers similar fiind anun?at, de altfel, la nivel na?ional, în cadrul campaniei „O zi f?r? avoca?i! Ziua în care justi?ia nu exist?”, ini?iat? de Uniunea Na?ional? a Barourilor din România (UNBR), care reclam? o serie de disfunc?ionalit??i în sistem.

Campania „O zi f?r? avoca?i! Ziua în care justi?ia nu exist?” a fost ini?iat? printr-o decizie a Consiliului UNBR, „pentru ap?rarea drepturilor avoca?ilor, supu?i unor provoc?ri ?i disfunc?ionalit??i continue în exercitarea misiunii de ap?rare a drepturilor ?i libert??ilor cet??enilor”.

„Ziua f?r? avoca?i” a fost stabilit? pentru 4 octombrie, cu recomandarea c?tre avoca?ii membri s? î?i întrerup? activitatea ?i s? nu intre în s?lile de judecat?. Astfel, avoca?ilor li se recomand? s? formuleze cereri de amânare în dosarele care au joi.

Uniunea Na?ional? a Barourilor a transmis un memoriu cu principalele disfunc?ionalit??i c?tre guvern, Ministerul Justi?iei, Ministerul de Interne, Consiliul Superior al Magistraturii ?i principalele instan?e.

Probleme semnalate de avoca?i:


The Bucharest Bar recommends lawyers to stop their work on Wednesday, for 24 hours, a similar approach being announced, moreover, at the national level, as part of the campaign “A day without lawyers! The day when justice does not exist”, initiated by the National Union of Bars in Romania (UNBR), which complains about a series of dysfunctions in the system. The campaign “A day without lawyers! The day when justice does not exist” was initiated by a decision of the UNBR Council, “to defend the rights of lawyers, subject to continuous challenges and dysfunctions in the exercise of the mission of defending the rights and freedoms of citizens”. The “Day Without Lawyers” was set for October 4, with the recommendation to member lawyers to suspend their work and not enter the courtrooms. Thus, lawyers are advised to formulate requests for adjournment in the files they have on Thursday. The National Union of Bar Associations sent a memorandum with the main dysfunctions to the government, the Ministry of Justice, the Ministry of the Interior, the Superior Council of Magistracy and the main courts. Problems reported by lawyers:

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Romania: “A day without lawyers, a day when justice doesn’t exist” Lawyers demonstrate Wednesday