I am The Law

Completely off topic but it is Friday so we’ll forgive ourselves…

This video hosted by TMZ has been doing the rounds for the past few days.. US Judge helps subdue unruly defendent.. unfortunately there’s no sound.. it all happens at around the 50 second mark


Above The Law Gives us the low down on everybody’s new hero  Judge Richards

The video is a little grainy, so let me give you the play-by-play, after the jump.

At the beginning of the clip, the female witness is testifying against a male defendant. The defendant attacks the witness, and Judge Richards "left the bench" and stood in front of the witness while cops tried to subdue the defendant. Then, the judge helped in "subduing" the defendant.

Judge Richards is a newly elected judge to the Broward County bench:

Ian Richards is one of the most unlikely people ever to be elected judge in the history of Broward County. He knows that his upset victory over incumbent County Court Judge Catalina Avalos has deeply upset the old courthouse crowd. And he says he wants to focus on healing. If that’s not possible, he offers a bit of advice.

"Get over it," he says in his lilting English accent, quickly adding, "Oh, don’t write that. It will only make it worse." …

At 33 years old, Richards is young and inexperienced. The guy still owes $20,000 in student loans.