Hugh Selby, Australian Barrister & Author Slams Big Publishers,”The empty mantra of “profit, profit above all else, only profit”

Writing for the Justinian his experiences are all too familiar. We all know the story but its nice to see things haven’t changed in-house, whilst the world out there swirls about us in and ever more frightening manner. We can be assured though that the big legal publishers will remain “strong and stable” in their adherence to the philosophy of , as Selby puts it , Big publishers mean big promises, big prices, and no effort beyond the perfunctory.

Here’s a taster

Boutique legal publishers, thank goodness, love books. By that I mean that they are excited by the content, by the sharing of knowledge that comes from the publisher connecting the author’s words with customers. Their marketing is targeted, and their prices fixed by talking to customers, by being involved in and with the product.

Not so the large publishers. They would sell books as they would sell armaments and people – if either or both could be put between covers – solely to maximise profit in the short term. Book publishing is just one part of being a “multi platform, globally aware, free market, knowledge disseminator”.

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Hugh Selby Bio

Hugh Selby is a barrister, teacher and author.

His teaching and writing has developed his presentation, analysis and critical skills that are essential in his barrister work – advising and appearing in court.

He has developed advocacy training materials and courses for novice and experienced litigators in Australia and overseas.

He is the author, contributor, and editor of various works on expert evidence, advocacy, appellate practice, coronial practice, civil pleading, policing, and current legal issues.

His other training activities are with lay and expert witnesses. His clients include police, the medical profession, accountants, engineers, acoustic specialists, transport accident investigation specialists, quantity surveyors, building consultants, psychologists, and rehabilitation specialists.