Of course this is an impossible thing to identify, but now and then snippets of information filter through..
HOB learnt yesterday from a source in HK? that mainland China legal tertiary institutions are beginning not to renew their LN? database subscriptions.
HOB is quite happy to say that we cannot verify this information.. getting any type of reliable information from China never mind Lexis Nexis is nigh on impossible but it wouldn’t surprise us to learn that paid databases created from information that is essentially available free or via local sources isn’t going to attract the China consumer for that long.
We wonder if the same isn’t happening at TR legal as well.
Q.1 2011 has been noticeable by the lack of press releases telling us how successful either/both organisations have been in the PRC market. Instead we’re seeing releases telling what great promise places like Brazil and other south american jurisdictions are going to be for both publishers.
After years of reading between the lines of? Lexis / West press releases? we’d suggest that the PRC market is providing a few more potholes than they might have initially considered. This isn’t an unusual experience for western companies operating in China.
HOB wonders whether both publishers are beginning to slow down their desire for market growth in China and are looking elsewhere on the planet to pick up the slack?