How To Get Laid Off Twice In As Many Months

Hre’s a rather instructive story about the state of the US legal market at the moment. reports…..

Try to imagine jumping off a sinking ship onto a life raft and after a few moments being pushed into the ocean and you’ll get some idea of what Inna Efimchik has been going through lately.

The corporate associate was at Heller Ehrman when the firm collapsed last fall. She and a big group of partners, associates and staff from Heller’s Venture Law Group landed safely at Cooley Godward Kronish in October, but just 3 1/2 months later she was one of 52 Cooley lawyers laid off.

"At first I was really upset," Efimchik said last week. "And then I thought, they did me a favor by hiring me in the first place — I’ve had a job for the last 3 1/2 months, I got severance, and another great firm on the resume."

Read the full piece here