How One Law School Teaches Legal Tech, Pre- and Post-Pandemic

Ambrogi is on fire with relevant articles this week … the AALL effect?

He writes by way of introduction

Here’s one that gets a bit meta. Back in November 2017, LawNext host Bob Ambrogi spoke at BYU Law School about a lawyer’s ethical duty to be technologically competent. The talk prompted the school to explore ways it could help students improve their technological abilities. What resulted was the school’s Legal Technology Initiative, a multi-pronged program to provide law students with technology training and assessment.

Initially overseen by Shawn Nevers, deputy director of the law library, BYU this year brought on Tina Wilder, a former practicing lawyer, as an assistant law librarian to assist Nevers and take the lead in running tech training. On March 12, 2020, Ambrogi was at BYU and sat down with Nevers and Wilder to discuss the initiative and learn more about how the school teaches technology.

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