Hein: Research Guide To Chinese Copyright Law (2nd Ed)
Completely rewritten
Brand new chapters
Double the number of pages
15th title in Hein’s Chinese Law Series
About This Title
This book is not merely a revision of the first one (Guide to China Copyright Law Studies); instead
it is a complete rewrite. The new second edition attempts to capture and reflect the changes in the dramatically transformed landscape of Chinese copyright law since the first edition was published in 2000.
Copyright law was amended in 2010, followed by promulgation of a new set of regulations in 2013. China also joined a series of international treaties and agreements concerning copyright and intellectual property rights, including the TRIPS agreement of 2001 and the Beijing Treaty on Audiovisual Performances of 2012. The national legislature established three new specialized intellectual property courts in Beijing, Shanghai, and Guangzhou. Chinese citizens, enterprises, and organizations have become more aware of copyrights and intellectual property rights as valuable assets, as evidenced by a tremendous grown of court cases involving copyright and other intellectual property matters.