Harvard’s African American Grads Leave For Big Law … and Then Leave Big Law PDQ

Above the Law report….on the double exodus.

Black Harvard Law School Graduates Flock To Biglaw, Then Flee In Droves

Harvard Law professor David Wilkins –the guy who should have been dean of the law school but isn’tpublish a fascinating study on black Harvard Law Alumni outcomes from 2000-2016. At a top level, add this report to list of things that proves Amy Wax’s and Larry Alexander’s arguments about the black community are drowning in dumb.

Black Harvard Law graduates are more than a canary in a coal mine for the black legal experience. The only law school that graduates more black lawyers than Harvard is Howard.

And those outcomes are beautiful and terrible, all at the same time. From the ABA Journal:

Nearly 72 percent of black Harvard law grads start their careers in private practice, mostly at larger law firms, the Careerist reports. Seventy percent of female black Harvard law graduates started at the largest firms, with 251 or more lawyers, compared to 53 percent of male black law graduates.

But the percentage of Harvard law grads in private practice dropped by 63 percent, compared to a 38 percent drop among black lawyers and a 28 percent drop among white lawyers surveyed in a national study, according to the study (PDF) by Harvard law professor David Wilkins.