Guardian Article: Ukraine app captures thousands of videos that could help prosecute Putin

eyeWitness to Atrocities enables timed and dated recordings that cannot be edited, enhancing their evidential value

More than 13,000 pieces of footage from the Ukraine conflict have been captured by an app, which could help to prosecute Vladimir Putin and other Russian political or military leaders at the international criminal court.

The eyeWitness to Atrocities app enables people to take pictures or video with the time, date and location recorded to prove their authenticity. They are then stored encrypted so they cannot be edited, enhancing their evidential value.

The amount of content submitted to the app, which launched in 2015, has risen exponentially this year.

Wendy Betts, the director of the UK-based charity eyeWitness, said the footage from Ukraine was equivalent to about three years’ worth of content globally that they have seen in the past.