Greedy Law Publishers Week

Fist we have LN in Australia getting a library consortium to basically fund a looseleaf to digital programme and this week in the UK Informa are back to their usual price rise tricks according to the following post on UK LIS LAW

A librarian posted the following yesterday (below). We’re not surprised in the least and although we do ask the same rhetorical question every year we do actually wonder how long they can carry on with this sort of behaviour.

Then again they probably don’t care. We’d imagine the most likely scenario is that they’ve decided to price the publication out of existence


There I was thinking I was having a relaxing afternoon winding down before the weekend….And then I saw an Informa invoice for our subscription to Farm Law. ?The price has gone from ?348 last year to ?495 for the coming year – an increase of more than 40%!!

I’ve contacted Informa to question what planet they’re living on and am waiting for a response. ?Has anyone else faced increases this high for a hard copy sub this year?