Greater China Legal History Seminar Series – ‘Sir TL Yang – Hong Kong’s first Chinese Chief Justice’ by Prof. Li Chen (Online)

This presentation focuses on Sir TL Yang, the first ethnic Chinese Chief Justice of Hong Kong. It examines Yang’s lesser-known law school years in Shanghai and London, revealing how these formative experiences shaped his path to becoming the first China-born judge appointed to judicial positions in colonial Hong Kong. Additionally, the presentation explores the various factors that influenced his decisions and passions, providing essential context for the remarkable accomplishments he attained later in life.

About the Speaker:

CHEN Li is a Professor at Fudan University Law School with a courtesy appointment at the School of Management. He is also a Visiting Professor at Washington University School of Law. He has received legal education in Hong Kong, Singapore, the United States, and England. His research interests include international law, the history of legal education, law and technology. His recent articles have appeared in peer-reviewed journals, including the Asian Journal of WTO & International Health Law and Policy, Hong Kong Law Journal, Human Rights Quarterly, International Data Privacy Law, Journal of International Dispute Settlement, Legal History Review, and Leiden Journal of International Law.

Register here by 5:00pm, 5 September 2024 to attend the seminar.

*CPD credits are available upon application and subject to accreditation by the Law Society of Hong Kong (currently pending).