Google Chrome For Mac Has Arrived

As a mac user HOB thinks this is fairly important news .. others may choose to disagree

This is the press release we received this morning.. when we get a moment we’ll be testing it out


It’s finally here: Google Chrome for Mac. Available today in beta!

Hi there,

Thanks for signing up to hear from us regarding Google Chrome for Mac! We’re excited to let you know that Google Chrome is now available in beta for Mac OS X.

Here are a few fun facts from us on the Google Chrome for Mac team:

73,804 lines of Mac-specific code written
29 developer builds
1,177 Mac-specific bugs fixed
12 external committers and bug editors to the Google Chrome for Mac code base, 48 external code contributors
64 Mac Minis doing continuous builds and tests
8,760 cups of soft drinks and coffee consumed
4,380 frosted mini-wheats eaten
Thanks for waiting and we hope you’ll give Google Chrome for Mac a whirl.

Google Chrome Team