A librarian at a major UK firm has noticed that Globe Law and Business the publishers of “Practical Topical Titles For International Legal & Business Professionals” is automatically adding the purchase of a separate digital copy of the same publication when the hard copy is purchased
This is what the librarian says
“More concerning is that the two purchases will be charged separately and we only received the e-mail invoice/receipt for the hard copy ordered and were unaware of the charge for the digital copy until our Credit Card statement arrived.”
In their About Us section on their website we notice the Managing Director says the following so you may well want to advise them on how they improve this situation !
Our customers and authors are our most important concern, and our new independence will only encourage us to look after you to the best of our ability. We’d very much like to hear from you with your thoughts on our titles or ideas for improving what we offer. Please do feel free to email me on [email protected] with your views.
Happy browsing and thank you for your time.
Sian O’Neill
Managing director
Here’s the librarian’s full post.
“Just wanted to flag up an issue we have experienced when ordering a title from Global (sic) Law & Business – http://www.globelawandbusiness.com/
When you add an item – for example http://www.globelawandbusiness.com/APJ/ to the basket to purchase an additional digital copy is added automatically – https://www.nbninternational.com/checkout?pub=175&=&original=http%3a%2f%2fwww.globelawandbusiness.com%2fBooks%2fDefault.aspx%3fg%3d655110c8-6dad-488e-81f0-48fce83a1f56&return_url=http%3a%2f%2fwww.globelawandbusiness.com&isbn1=9781909416604&copies1=1&isbn2=BDL1909416604&copies2=1&format2=epub
You can remove this – but if you don’t you will be charged.
More concerning is that the two purchases will be charged separately and we only received the e-mail invoice/receipt for the hard copy ordered and were unaware of the charge for the digital copy until our Credit Card statement arrived.
We are advised that the charge will be refunded but I think this is a rather sharp business practice.