Globe Law and Business Publish –  The Rule of Law in the 21st Century: A Worldwide Perspective.

Here’s their PR — a tome that gets slimmer & slimmer by the day/….

Last month, Globe Law and Business published the new second edition of The Rule of Law in the 21st Century: A Worldwide Perspective.
Professor Robert A Stein, Justice Richard J Goldstone and CEELI Institute founder Homer E Moyer, Jr are the distinguished editors and authors of the second edition of The Rule of Law in the 21st Century, published in association with the International Bar Association. The second edition builds on the first and contains new chapters on:

  • War crimes and genocide: ultimate violations of the rule of law;
  • Addressing the problem of corruption that threatens the rule of law;
  • The rule of law and inequality of women in the US judiciary;
  • Thirty years of rule of law learning; and
  • Chapters describing law reform programmes that have strengthened the rule of law around the world in recent decades.

For more information, a “Table of Contents” and a free sample chapter can be downloaded from our website.

The Rule of Law in the 21st Century: A Worldwide Perspective is priced at £95.00, however I would like to offer you today the opportunity to obtain a copy at 15% discount or £80.75.

To purchase a copy at the reduced price please go to our website and enter the discount code IBL15 (should be entered rather than copy/pasted) at the checkout. Alternatively, for print copies only, respond to this email and I will arrange for your order to be processed at the discounted price.