GitHub donates $1m to Stanford Law School’s to provide free legal advice to DMCA-hit developers

The register reports….

GitHub has pledged $1m to, among other things, provide developers facing copyright takedown claims with free legal advice from a top US university, it announced on Tuesday.

The donation will fund, for two years at least, the GitHub Developer Rights Fellowship at Stanford Law School’s Juelsgaard Intellectual Property and Innovation Clinic. The money will be used to hire a fellow at the clinic to carry out academic research and raise awareness of issues with America’s Digital Millennium Copyright Act; teach students how to work with developers in this area; and provide the aforementioned legal counsel to programmers who have received a DMCA takedown.

“When a developer’s project is the subject of a takedown, it can be stressful for the developer, and doubly so since the takedown may involve complex legal issues that the developer does not have the time or resources to fight,” a GitHub spokesperson told The Register. “At times, it’s often simpler to remove the code from public view and consumption.

“GitHub’s whole purpose is to help developers, and we want to enable developers to have access to legal expertise in such times. When we notify a developer of a valid takedown claim, we will also offer a referral to receive independent legal consultation with Stanford Law School’s Juelsgaard Clinic at no cost to them.”