Get Ready For New Data Protection Laws In Singapore

So sayeth? UK? law firm Taylor Vinters &? Keystone Law Corporation in the following press release sent out this week..

Action may need to be taken by firms to get ready for new data protection laws in Singapore, according to the Keystone Law Corporation.

Firms which operate in Singapore will have to get ready for the forthcoming launch of new data protection laws in the country, according to one legal organisation.

The Keystone Law Corporation highlighted the fact that new legislation could apply in this area from as early as next year.

Prior to the introduction of mandatory data protection laws in Singapore, the boutique technology law firm warned that databases are among the things which may require some attention in the months ahead.

Keystone advised: “Databases will need to be re-examined and collection practices brought in line.

“Businesses that are unprepared may have to pay a heavy price.”

The warning issued by the organisation follows parliamentary discussions on the topic of data protection, which Singapore’s information, communication and arts minister Lui Tuck Yew was recently involved in.