i Gaming Business reports
Lootboxes, unlicensed gaming and state lotteries among topics to be covered at October event.
This year’s Federal Congress on Gaming and Gambling in Germany, organised by iGB’s partner Glueckspielwesen.de, will take place in Berlin at Maritim Hotel proArte on 4-5 October.
The conference will assess the political situation regarding gambling in Germany and across Europe and discuss a number of important questions, including the regulation of online gambling, player protection and the current land-based situation.
Elsewhere, speakers will debate when the first online casinos are expected go live under the Interstate Treaty on Gambling and who will lead the way: NRW, Hesse or some other Länder? They will also cover other topics such as lootboxes and influencer-marketing, and who has the say here – Germany or the EU? Two assessments (one on the Gaming Ordinance and one on the Interstate Treaty) are upcoming – what answers can providers and the regulatory authorities furnish?
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