Georgian fighters face terrorism charges after returning from Ukraine

Activists and lawyers are crying foul as Georgian authorities question volunteers who fought in Ukraine, calling the probe politically motivated and absurd.

Georgian authorities have summoned several volunteers who fought for Ukraine against Russian forces for questioning, sparking controversy and raising concerns about the country’s political direction.

The State Security Service of Georgia has called in at least three volunteers for interrogation, reportedly on charges related to plotting a coup and terrorism. This move has been met with skepticism and criticism from those involved and their supporters.

Lasha Chigladze, an activist from the Anti-Occupation Movement who fought against the Russian army in Ukraine, was questioned at the Tbilisi City Court.

He told reporters: “I was told that an investigation was launched a year ago in connection with a coup d’état, and there were some questions about it… (They asked) when I left, when I came from Ukraine. There were general questions.”

His lawyer, Lasha Tkesheladze, called the case politically motivated, stating: “This case is absurd, has nothing to do with the law, and Lasha was summoned today because he fought in Ukraine against Russia.”

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Georgian fighters face terrorism charges after returning from Ukraine