Whether in-house counsel or private practitioners – from this book you will gather best practices and learn new and perhaps surprising lessons to help you succeed in your jobs as leaders at the intersection of law and business.
This new edition is edited by E Leigh Dance and Christoph H Vaagt, both with distinguished careers advising legal departments and teams for more than two decades. Chapters are written by an international group of well-known general counsel, corporate legal leaders, and other experts, and cover important topics for general counsel today, including:
- the evolution of the general counsel’s role;
- legal operations as a competitive advantage;
- how adaptive legal functions are embracing technology;
- managing change in a legal department; and
- doing more with less.
Consulting editors: E Leigh Dance and Christoph H Vaagt
Publication date: Dec 2022
Price: £130.00 / $210.00
Length: 187 pages
ISBN: 9781787428638
Previous edition ISBN: 9781909416772